Saturday, 21 April 2012

Comfort Blanket


I want to show you my blanket a bit of a random post I know but I love this blanket my Great Nana from Italy made it years and years ago and it is one of my most precious processions. It was passed down to my Nan when my Great Nana passed away and she used to have it on the back seat of her car a few years ago she let me have it as she knew that I had always loved it.
Sometimes it is just the little things in life that give the biggest smile. 


  1. We have a similar blanket in our house that we've had ever since I can remember! It's really things like that that make it feel like home. Loving the starry eyes by the way x

  2. Love blankets like this, so pretty!

  3. love this hun it's beautiful and an heirloom you will keep forever to pass to your own children. It's gorgeous xxx

  4. These photos are absolutely stunning! And the blanket is also lovely. x

  5. So nice ! i like it !

  6. I have a blanket just like this that my italian great grandma made, such a coincidence!So snug & comfy! Love the makeup too Xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment Peace & Love Giselle

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